I had another audition, for yet another performance opportunity. I am delighted to say the audition went really well. This time I tried a new technique, I didn’t prepare. I was singing the same rep I had performed last week for the concerto competition, so I was musically prepared. However, this time I waited until the last minute to get dressed, and I did homework right up until I had to leave. All in all it made for a more spontaneous performance, I was more at ease, and I think it was for the best. My accompanist and coach thought it was the best I had ever sang it. It felt good to me, anatomically, technically, and expressively. However, it wasn’t good enough to get “picked.” These auditions are starting to feel like the selection process for a game of recess soccer, when you stand in line and just hope and pray you’ll get picked. Sometimes you do and sometimes you don’t.
I haven’t been picked for a long time.