Crawling everywhere- on hands and knees. He’s getting fast. I love how he’ll follow the sound down the hall to find Scotland in his room. Sometimes he’ll even go down the hall and play in Scotland’s room by himself- because he knows there are toys in there. Apparently the “baby toys” that I keep in the living room are loosing their interest.
Pulling himself up- on the couch, the tub, on baskets. . . He let go with both hands the other day and fell flat on his back. Poor little guy, he was pretty shook up. (I almost always find him standing up in his crib when I come to get him up from naps.)
Smiling constantly- I’ve had so many sweet exchanges with strangers, as a result. He gives his opened-mouth grin with big bright eyes to anyone, anytime.
This kid can eat. Anders LOVES solid food. I’m always amazed at how much he eats. I’m forever feeding what I’m sure will be enough, only to end up back at the fridge trying to decide what I can feed him. I’ve taken to tearing up a piece of bread to buy me time to figure out what else to feed him. He loves it, and usually gets 95% of the bread in his mouth! When he’s hungry he’s hungry and he’ll let out deep grunting sounds if the food isn’t coming fast enough. (And once he’s started his vocalization, even if you have the spoon at his mouth, he will finish it up to his satisfaction.) It’s a very demanding guttural sound that totally stresses me out!
high pitch squeals
Playing with Scotland- The other day Scotland asked if Anders could play outside with him. I explained that I didn’t think it would work because I needed to get dinner ready, and couldn’t watch Anders, and I figured he would crawl off the blanket and eat the grass. Scotland assured me that he would watch him. Wanting to encourage his generosity and desire to play with his brother I agreed to pull out the picnic blanket and give it a try. I set Anders down and went inside to watch. As expected Anders immediately crawled off the blanket. Scotland grabbed his feet and pulled him back. Anders squealed, then took off crawling again. He got a little farther this time, before Scotland pulled him back- this time pulling down his pants. Scotter laughed, and Anders squealed as he took off again- making it all the way to the patio, Scotland grabbed his arms, swinging him around and pulling him back.. . I went out, thanked Scotland for watching him, and brought Anders inside. I just love seeing the two of them playing more and more. Scotland often asks now “Can Anders’ play with me?”
His two bottom teeth are in.
Kisses- I love his kisses. He’s especially free with them when he hasn’t seen me in a while. He’s a total Momma’s boy, and to be honest, I love it.
Distracted nurser. I wouldn’t be surprised if Anders weens himself early, because he’s just not that into nursing. In keeping with the “Babywise” philosophy I always try to keep him on the wake, nurse, play, sleep pattern but he won’t have it. He is adamant that he wake, play, nurse, sleep. He’s just too eager to get going when he wakes up.
When he does nurse he’s always in motion, swinging his arms, slapping his hand against mine, squeezing my breast to speed things up.
He’s a major spinner when changing his diaper, and screaming follows if he is made to stay on his back.
He plays independently well. It’s fun to see him copy Scotland. The other day he had picked up the drum sticks and was hitting the drum, and today when the boys were all playing “Dragon Power” with various pieces of our marble track set, he picked some up himself and started swinging them around. He’s always watching and observing. Today as I watched him focused on the three crazy “Dragon power” boys, I wondered if he’ll be much more high-energy and wild- simply because that’s being exemplified all the time for him.
He loves the bath- and is always crawling into the bathroom and pulling himself up at the tub, waving his arms around as if to beg me to let hime bathe.
He’s a VERY light sleeper. Much to my chagrin. I remember reading when Scotland was a baby, that if a child wakes up and isn’t happy, than they haven’t slept enough. (And this held true for Scotland.) If that’s the case with Anders, he rarely sleeps enough. Because he always wakes up cranky and needs a few minutes to brighten up.
He LOVES the black lab puppet that we use as our “Joy Pup” in Joy school. He chuckles every time I bring him out, and continues to chuckle as I move the dog and make him bark. It’s adorable.
He’s gone to the babysitter’s three times now without a fuss! Hurray. (I got really nervous after he had one particularly sad episode.)
He loves to dance, and always beams when I sing.
Reaches out to touch peoples faces when they make eye contact with him.
I love this little boy. I love having a baby to snuggle and smile with and a toddler to talk and play with. It’s a great combo- though challenging.