Sorry about the MIA-ness from blogging. I’ve missed it, but I keep putting it off. One because this has been a busy week for me, and two because I really want and need to finish our trip report, but I always feel like I need to be in the right “literary mood” before I embark on such ventures. As I’ve spent all of my free hours painting, scraping, cleaning, and painting some more- the creative juices have been working their way out in more kinesthetic ways. Unfortuantely, all of my projects are in the less than appealing middle stages. The basement is primed- but not painted. The bathroom is tiled and painted, but the toilet is still missing, as is the sink and the mirror, and I haven’t grouted yet. It’s always a matter of waiting around here. We can’t tile the shower until our contractor comes and finishes the tile pan. I can’t paint the basement until my husband primes, because it’s oil based. The nursery however, is mostly in my control, so after a rather frustrating realization that my basement makeover wasn’t going to be finished up this week I switched tasks. Normally, choosing paint colors takes me, well about two weeks. Yesterday, I decided in about 20 minutes, went to Home Depot bought the paint, and came home and painted the room. I still need to paint the closet and the trim/doors, and desk, but the walls and ceiling are beautiful. Here’s a sneak peak:

I’ve been wanting to paint a room blue since we moved here, but it never really fit. Now, well, call me a traditionalist because yes, my baby boy’s room is blue. I love the color! It’s warm and comforting as well as mature and sophisticated. Plus, it looks beautiful with the little antique baby chairs I picked up at a garage sale. (Just so you know the trim is only primed so it will be more creamy colored eventually- and therefore look better with the warm ceiling.)

I need to paint this desk. I’m planning on taking off the shelves- so that I can use the top as a changing table. I’ll put a wicker basket for laundry or toys where the chair usually goes and use the other three drawers for diapers and what not. Fortunately, this room has a spacious closet so we don’t need a large dresser. I want to save the shelves for later use- meaning when the baby is too squiggly to contain on the “changing table” -so I’ll have to think through where to store them in the mean time.

The best thing about this room?. . our new windows! We got replacement windows in the nursery and master bedroom and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them. They’re clean, don’t have gunk all over the glass, don’t chip lead paint, can tilt to clean, and best are super energy efficient. (Not to mention it means I don’t have to paint the sashing!) Oh how I wish we could have replaced all of our windows- I’ll have to wait until I get a gig at the Metropolitan opera for that!

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