
I have less to report from the past week and a half. I was sick all last week, and I’m afraid it showed in the amount of work I got done. I had to smile yesterday realizing that I must be getting better because the idea of painting the stairwell walls sounded like a great idea. Regardless, here’s a picture log of our latest happenings:

I went ahead and did 60% of the color of the living room walls: light khaki by Benjamin Moore. (I thought this was an interesting view, the door you are looking at is the master bedroom’s. One of the characters I love about this house is how irregular the ceilings are. Notice how the ceiling dips down above our door.)

I also painted the music hutch. It is VERY green, perhaps too green. Hopefully when I antique it with some darker varnish it will take away some of the intensity. I like the idea of having the back a different color, but I’m not convinced I like the cream, that I went with. What do you think about if I painted the back section the same color as the walls? (Oh! I just realized I haven’t replaced our plate yet, it’s back hanging in the kitchen.)

This picture is intended for feedback. I bought these trees (the two arborvitae) on a 4th of July sale. They were a great price, and I’m wondering if you think they do the job. I just want to add some height to the sides, so that the house doesn’t look so plump. If I keep them there I would probably switch them as the taller of the two would look best on the left since the ground slopes down a bit there. What do you think about the one on the right? I transplanted those spirea on either side of that bed. Should I move the one on the right to the other side of the stairs, and then put the tree there? Help!

This picture is to show the wonderful work Ron and Cody did while they were here. Ron, suggested we clear out all the volunteer trees that had grown inbetween our hedge an the house- so as to prevent bugs from growing up into the house, as well as to prevent moisture retention and therefor decay. Like any Harrison he set to work clearing the side, doesn’t it look nice! He also helped level out the top of our hedge, which Tom then went back over with his new garage sale hedge clippers. (see below)

The weather as been absolutely gorgeous this week. (Which we deserved since it rained everyday last week.) I took advantage of the sun to spend a lot of time in the flower beds.

Almost all of my roses have gone wild. I trimmed them all down, so at least they are dainty green bushes, but as soon as the weather cools and I can do some transplanting- most of the green clumps you see here will be gone. Shucks.

However, one of the three still tame roses, came out in beautiful display this week.

This image isn’t very good. I’m trying to show this corner that I cleared out, and the climbing rose that I tied up. I’ve been wanting to buy and obalisc for it, but I’ve only seen one and it was more than I wanted to spend. So I made one out of sticks, we’ll see how long it lasts, but for now it is keeping this sprawling rose contained. (That’s our rhubarb to the right and left of the rose- just look for the large leaves!)

Our tomatoes continue to do wonderfully. It’s hard to get a sense of scope from this photo, just notice the tops of the cages, which are the smallest size. Featured to the left are our peppers and eggplant. We excited to taste our small variety of tomatoes:

Roma, beef steak, and cherry

Our zucchini are also doing lovely, and will probably bloom while we are away.

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