Summer Projects

Whew! This feels like the first week of summer- official summer. Last week I still had finals to prepare for, and while I have several recitals to attend and a masterclass and a few other “school” things, they’re more on the fun side; plus we don’t have seminary this week. Wow!

The long drive to New York offered sufficient time to think of LOTS of projects for the summer, the question than becomes priorities. Here are my main house projects for the summer:

-Get the flowerbeds under control. Plant perennials. Plant a veggie garden.
This project includes many components. Continual weeding to permanently get rid of undesirable flowers. Transplanting and planting to create more organized beautiful beds. As well as making sure our soil is fertile and free enough from bugs and small furry pests that we can actually enjoy a good amount of produce from our garden. So far, the bugs are enjoying more of the mixed greens than I am, so I’ll have to work on that. Plus our front beds, once full of shrubs,  are now practically empty so I’d love to get somethings started in there.

Finishing touches on first floor remodeling
Sand, clean and polyurethane all wood flooring. Add baseboards throughout. Fix up a few places on the texturing in the 1/2 bath, caulk in a few places, clean of undesirable paint and mud from windows and lightfixtures, paint and install mirror. Paint stairwell and upstairs hall. Front vestebule- prime and paint. Tile hearth at fireplace. Replace kitchen door. Scrape and paint front door. Patch and paint windows in kitchen. (Whew that seems like a lot more when you list it.)

-Organize and deep clean
Move all of the home repair stuff from the sun room into the garage and organize. Clean out closets. Vacumn the downstairs carpet. (Our little cheap garage sale vacumn can’t handle the thickness.) Clean linoleum on stairs to the basement. Clean windows. Clean out second pantry. Clean up utility sink and washer and dryer.

-Sing and play piano daily
Memorize all recital music, and select music for second recital. Start research of history for my Music History comp.

-Continue Italian daily
I’m going to attend a conversation class in Little Italy, continue to listen to my italian podcasts, and hopefully study italian for at least 30min a day.

Tom and I are planning on running a 1/2 marathon with Tom’s dad when he comes out in August. So I want to train for that, as well as work on some more muscle toning. Thankfully my friend Megan is on board, and already whipped me into shape last week when she had me do her “Get ripped” DVD. (I’m not sure I’ve ever been that sore before. Yow!- Thanks Meg.)

-Getti’s Accessories
Plan and have a party. Help with the infomerical. Update the website. Sell, sell, sell.

-Continue scripture study
I’ve so enjoyed studying the New Testament this past year, and I have more that reaped the promised blessings. I want to continue this habit of study. I was planning on moving on to the Book of Mormon or D&C, but my friend Meg really liked my idea of starting a Bible Study group. So maybe I’ll study the NT again.

Whew, lofty? Perhaps, but as long as I structure my days, and create a schedule I think I can get most of this done.
What do you think? Does this sound like too much? Any experience in structuring otherwise open days?


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