Pining for Plants

My yard is one of those places where I look and see the “future garden.” Complete with mature perennials, year-round interest and dazzling botanical diversity. Too often I am occasioned to see my yard as, well, you all see it. The young, sparse, needy yard that it is. Regardless, I can still dream. So these “Pining for Plants” posts (too much alliteration?!) are my way of inserting imagery plants into my garden of the future. Some day I will own grow one, or many of these:

Hellebores (or Lenten Rose)- as captured at the Cleveland Botanical Garden.

I wasn’t a big fan of Hellebores when I first saw them. With their down turned blossoms and muted colors, they just didn’t impress me. However, having since seen many more varieties of Hellebores I have been awestruck by their contemporary artistic style. Not all Hellebores face down. The one above, for example, faces out. To get an idea for the extensive variety of these plants check out this site. These fellas are early risers, often pushing up through snow like pansies. They are native of areas of Eurasia. What do you think? Do you want it in your garden?

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