Here we go!

This morning Tom and I woke up at 5:30. No, not on accident, not because the sun was beaming in our window and woke us, not because one of us had to use the bathroom, not because we had homework to finish before school- but rather because today was our first day to teach early morning seminary.

 (Perhaps I should start a seminary blog. . haha just kidding, I can’t even keep up with this one!) We spent a lot of time talking about our plans and how we wanted everything to be organized on our two four hour trips to and from Athens. (We visited Trevor and Lauren this weekend- more on that later.)

We are both really excited about the opportunity to study the New Testament together. We decided to attend the other’s days- just as a participant. I had originally thought we would both take those days to either prepare or do homework, so I was glad Tom made the suggestion, because that way we can benefit from the other’s studies, as well as create a continuity in the lessons. Wish us luck. (Thanks to Cass and Doug for the ideas and encouragement- they’re teaching seminary too!)

7 responses to “Here we go!”

  1. Thanks for coming down. We enjoyed your visit so much. Best of luck with teaching. You guys will be amazing. Your seminary students are blessed to have you.

  2. That’s so weird, you could be teaching me. I’m taking the new testament starting September 22nd. Funny stuff. Best of luck to both of you.
    PS Smile and compliment a lot!

  3. I’m so excited for you guys. It would be so hard to get up that early, but what a wonderful experience, especially getting to do this together:). We’re glad we know you. You both are just so wonderful. Good luck with the class, You’ll do great!

  4. What a neat experience! Seems like just yesterday Tom and I were in seminary with all the fellow tucsonians … tell him to bring donuts to keep the students happy 🙂

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