Scotter's 2nd Birthday Party

Yesterday, we celebrated Scotland’s birthday with our family away from family: Mary and Lydia, Jen and Cody, Claire, and Anne (or as Scotland calls her: Annie) and Brandon. They are all important people in Scotland’s life, his adopted aunts and uncles, cousins. When the night wrapped up and everyone left I felt overwhelmed by the love that had been present. I was touched by these dear friends who mean so much to us. Their love for Scotland was so evident. The party couldn’t have gone more splendidly. I wanted it to be about Scotland, I wanted him to feel special, important. That goal was achieved. 

The guests, minus Claire

Before the party started I talked to Scotland and explained some proper party etiquette. I told im that when the guests arrived he should welcome them in, look them in the eyes and say “Hi!” At one point during dinner he went around looking each person in the eye individually and saying “Hi.” I was so impressed by how well he took to my instruction, as he hadn’t seemed to be paying attention when I told him. He was a perfect little gent, giving sweet hugs and saying Thank you after receiving gifts, and sharing his toys with everyone. 

After dinner we decided to open presents, so the kids everyone could enjoy playing with the toys together. We asked Scotland, “Would you like to open presents?” “Yeah.” He came over and immediately started handing out gifts. It was true Scotland style, always thinking of and including others. Once we explained that they were just for him, he started to open, though often recruiting help. He also got on a clean kick. After he ripped off the first chunk of wrapping paper he said “garbage can?” and jumped up to throw it away. He continued to do this through out the evening, making sure to keep things “clean.”

The party was very unstructured but rather revolved around the toys Scotland was given: a play tent and tunnel, magni-tiles, duplos (from the Evans) and Mega Blocks (from the Madsen’s). It was quite a generous birthday (thanks to a rather meager Christmas- due to interview season). Tom and I had eagerly awaited Scotland’s party because we had both carefully picked his toys, and were curious to see how they’d be received. Scotland was beyond thrilled with everything.  

Tom showing Scotter how it’s done. (The magni-tiles were a huge hit amongst the two engineers!)

Party hats!

The spread: fruit platter, veggie bean dip, popcorn, pizza and cake

I asked Scotland what kind of cake he wanted- then realized, he’d only every eaten chocolate!

Lydia- isn’t she a cupid!

This picture is horrible, but it shows Scotter and Claire’s sweet relationship, nonetheless.

Blowing out candles. If you want to see a video of this go here. (It’s worth it!) 

It took Scotland several tries to blow his candles out, but was finally successful and quite thrilled. He particularly loved being sang to, and enjoyed singing along in his baby bass. His request for an encore was lovingly granted. 

Scotland blossoms in small social settings, at least when he knows everyone. I couldn’t have been more proud of how inclusive, and fun he was. 

I really wanted Scotland to “get it.” So we talked about his upcoming birthday for about a week before. The day of he chose his breakfast: “bread with peter butter and jammie” and we spent the day focused on him. We played with toys in the morning then headed to the Rockefeller Green house for a bit of “spring.” Scotland loved running coat free through the greenery, throwing coins and rocks in the various ponds and fountains, and especially splashing in the puddles.

This puddle was definitely the highlight. Scotland would yell out “One Two Three Go!” and run through it, bringing small rocks from the dessert section to throw in the fountain behind me. By the end of our visit Scotland was soaked through and through. It resulted in a change of plans (since I didn’t have a change of clothes and it was freezing outside) but he didn’t seem to mind. Afterwards we swang through the thrift store to see if we could find any fun toys. We were thrilled to find two adorable little pans to compliment the little spatula we found the weekend before. (I’m building up a cooking set for him) as well as a puzzle set, a little tossing game, and a few other odds and ends.

Scotland’s latest delight is buttons.

 He decided a nap wasn’t in his birthday plans so we spent the afternoon playing in the basement. I made a few felt food items and we imagined up a lovely feast. Later we helped me prepare the party food. Seven layer bean dip is the perfect dish for a two year old to prepare, at least if you’re okay with him snacking on every layer!

He helped shred the cheese, cut the spinach, and sprinkle the peppers, tomatoes and cheese. Mostly he tasted to make sure the flavors were blending properly and that the veggies were adaquetly fresh. (He ate an entire half tomato!)

Pre-party- frosting licking! (We had the only break down of the day when Scotland tried to take a handful out of the cake, and I refused. The anticipation was killing him.) 

Okay, way too detailed of a post. Anyway. . . Thanks to all who wrote, called, and came to celebrate Scotland. We love you!


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