I’ve been terrible about posting Scotter’s monthly updates- the holiday’s have a way with me. Which is a shame, because Scotland has changed SO much since I last posted.
Things we love about our boy:
-constant chatter, in both his low “business” voice and his sweet high voice. As a result of being a vocalist’s son, he
makes sound effects constantly. For example, when he trips and falls he’ll yell out in a silly voice “CRASH!”
-running. This is one of my favorite things about little kids- the excitement of running. Christopher McDougall brings it up in his book “Born to Run” as does Mitch Albom in “Five People you Meet in Heaven.” Maybe that’s why i love running- it brings out my inner child.
-Helper. This morning Scotland happily helped picked up toys, water the plants, wipe up the water he spilt while watering plants, and cook muffins. He’s always eager to be involved and included.
-Social. Scotland loves having a playmate. While he thrives most in small groups, he is happy to run off with a new friend, especially when they are older and more able to play with him. We spent the afternoon with some distant cousins yesterday and he immediately went to their 12 year old daughter when she invited him to play cars. He chattered confidently at the dinner table, laughing in sync with our jokes, and making a few of his own. He is constantly asking me: “Mommy toys?” “Mommy downstairs?” “Mommy tunnel?”
-the Tunnel. Several months ago I took a large box and made Scotland a fort- cutting out a little door and a few windows. he immediatley took to it and it has continued to be his favorite toy ever since. It’s purpose has transformed from small abode to surf board, sled, storage shed, and tunnel.
Our little homeless man in training!
– Sleeper. Scotland continues to be an amazing sleeper. He sleeps 12-13 hours a night, and usually takes a 2-3 hour nap each afternoon. Often in the morning he’ll just hang out in his crib and play with his stuffed friends. One morning I went in three times to ask if he was ready to get up. Each time he laid back into his bundle of friends and said “Bye, bye!” (I think the fact that he only gets his passy in crib, adds to his desire to lounge in bed.) As I write this post Scotland is “napping” next door. This is what I hear: “Owl, where are you?” “I gotcha! I gotcha,” “Ted-bear, Ted-bear” “monkey, monkey” in a sing-song manner.
-His ability to self entertain and find ways to fill quiet time with wonder is one of his most admirable qualities. I love that he’s always looking out the window when we drive in the car- pointing out airplanes, large trucks, and the weather.
-Musical. He loves listening to music and has started requesting either “violin” or “cello” at bedtime. (Last night I put on a Saint-Saens cello concerto that starts off pretty intense. He quickly yelled out “VIOLIN, VIOLIN!” at which point I switched to Jenny Oaks Baker’s lovely arrangements of the hymns.) He’s started to sing along a bit. Last week he was belting out his rendition of “Happy birthday” during nap time. Then one day I realized he was singing Jingle Bells. Overall, however, I wouldn’t call him a singer. He can match pitch, and has good rhythmic sense, but he doesn’t sing songs to himself like some of his friends.
-Thinker. Most people that spend time with Scotland comment on what a thinker he seems to be. Often when you say something to him, you’ll see him think about it for a while. He loves it when Tom explains how things work, and shows him the engineering aspect of toys, tools, etc.
-Sweet. He continues to be incredible sweet. He’s started to say “take?” holding his hand up towards you- asking to be picked up. He’ll happily cuddle in my lap and read books as long as I’d like- as long as he has his passy. And from time to time he’ll caress my face or give me a little hug or kiss all of his own accord. He knows what it means and is able to be gentle, and is generally obedient and desirous to please.
-We adore our little Scotter. His sweet happy disposition has made the transition into parenthood very easy.
One response to “Scotland: 23 months”
Sounds incredibly sweet and smart!