While Scotter and I were keeping warm in the “Best Snow on Earth” Tom was speeding around California interviewing in San Francisco, Oakland, and Palo Alto.
Interview at Stanford
Then in pursuit of even more sun he headed home to Tucson to spend time with his folks, friends and interview in Phoenix.
At the U of A v Florida game with his dad
U of A won by one point in the last few minutes after being behind the entire game!
Then before we reconnected he flew up to Seattle.
One of the things I love about Tom is that he makes the most of any situation. Instead of comisserating about his endless interviews and time away from family. He took the opportunity to explore each city with his free time. He took a ferry to Bainbridge island while he was in Seattle, as well as met up with a dear friend, Mark Jaster.
Here’s a pictoral representation of Tom’s interview travels. Let’s hope we match!
One response to “Interview Tour de West: California, Arizona, Washington”
You’ll find out in March, right?