While we stayed an extra week in Washington Tom flew off to interview in LA and Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City from the top of the library
When we arrived the day after Tom’s U of U interview, Tom picked us up from the airport and said: “Welcome to your new city!” He had some beautiful experiences during his interview that made him feel strongly that Salt Lake was the place to move our family. I was clearly shocked, as he had never voiced much desire to move to Utah. Though the thought that Salt Lake might be our resting place in 6 months definitely changed my perspective on our visit.
Seeing the quaint historical neighborhoods of Sugarhouse and The Avenues, as well as enjoying the delights of City Creek and Temple Square helped add to the already present excitement of possibly moving closer to family.
As did the fantasy of crafting, woodworking, sewing and designing with my sisters. (We spent a large chunk of our first week together sanding, priming and painting the lower cabinets and Getti and Dave built themselves. I wish I had a before and after picture. It’s looking amazing.
Brielle aka (Brelle)
And that’s to say nothing of these two cousins who straddle Scotland in age. The first few days these three were together was rough. There was a lot of pushing, screaming, crying, and more crying. Scotland usually our gentle little guy was pushing his weight around and seeminly enjoying it. I was devastated, but hopeful that time would bring peace. Fortunately it did. By the time our two weeks came to a close these three were playing together like champs: crawling under tables and over chairs, sliding down the stairs, and racing down the hall. Scotland even gave Brielle three kisses on the mouth one night! (At least she’s not blood related!)
Besides working on the house we also did Christmas prep: AKA making 200 pancakes and 60 breakfast burritos. (I hesitated putting this on the blog- who cares right? But making 200 pancakes was a first for me. Though that’s a monthly occurance for the likes of my Mother and sister it was pretty monumental for me.) We made christmas presents, went hog wild with Getti’s silhouette, and learned how to stencil fabric.
We also visited Salt Lake’s fantastic Children’s museum. Scotter loved the helicopter!
Oh, and of course, we played in the snow: