For the past two months I’ve been researching countertops, contemplating cabinet colors, and weighing opinions on what aspects of kitcen remodeling are most essential to attracting buyers. The stock answer is always: Granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. I’ve heard this a thousand times. When I checked zillow to see what homes in our price range sold recently both had renovated kitchens with the Lowes/Home Depot package- new cupboards, granite countertops, and stainless steel appliances. Blah! Friends, family, websites, TV shows they all say the same thing: granite countertops, stainless steel appliances. I’m so sick of hearing that. Wednesday while chatting with a friend about kitchen updates she gave the same advice. Frustration and even anger welled up inside of me, and for the first time I took note of it. What was making me so ANTI? This: I’m frustrated that our society has become so obsessed with all things new, frustrated that more people can’t think outside of the box and come up with more creative options, frustrated that people get rid of perfectly functioning appliaces just to get the latest and greatest. It’s no wonder our country is struggling with so much debt. So after voicing this frustration I suddently felt calm and realized, Yes it’s a shame that society is such, but my act of definance is not going to change anything. Rather it might hinder our ability to sell our home, and thus, minimize our ability to get rid of our own student debt!
Once I had detached myself from our kitchen, and started viewing it as an investment piece my mentality shifted and I was able to peacefully accept that my beloved green cupboards were going to have to go. Stainless steel appliances will likely replace our terrific craigslist finds. Granite might be the countertop choice afterall. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Now I’m viewing my kitchen as a fun experiment, an opportunity to try out some things that I might never have the guts to put in my house: like white cabinets. I’m drawn to the beauty of white, but the practicality of keeping them clean has always barred them as an option in my mind. Now, with only a year and a half left in the house and only one little guy, I’m saying- Why not?!
Sure, my house will be like the others- fifty years from now some owner will grumble about the dated granite countertops and stainless steel appliances, just like I did about the green shag carpet in our bedroom and the salmon colored tile in our bathroom.
Moments like these are shocking to me because I realize that I have more of an inner rebel than I realize. I feel the need to be my own, and not to follow the crowd, even when I agree with the crowd. I find stainless steel appliances beautiful, I love white, I love the organic quality of granite- but I have a hard time when everyone else has those things because then I feel like it compromises my own individuality.
We spent a bit of the weekend researching appliances- mostly looking for black friday deals and reading reviews. As I read review after review I found myself thinking: “Oh, I guess I’ve never considered that those small annoyances are reason enough to purchase a new appliance. Sure our fridge meows like a cat and leaks puddles of water from time to time, but other than that it’s a great fridge!” Reviewer after reviewier voiced simple issues with their appliances, many of which I probably would have never noticed if they hadn’t been brought to my attention. Perhaps I just don’t have a criticial mind, or maybe I prefer to focus on the positive. Either way, I was enlighted to a whole new way of thinking.
I’m really excited about the prospect of redoing my kitchen. Yes, it will be a lot of work, and a lot of mess, but how fun to try out a whole new look! Any conversation about Picasso will talk of his blue period and rose period. I chuckled as I realized that I’m in my blue period. I wonder what periods the future will bring.
This year’s Thanksgiving mantel