I love Oberlin! This is an e-mail I just received from my Writing and Rhetoric professor. In anxiety of the forestalled spring I wrote my weekly essay on flowers and my love for them. On his own accord he wrote me this e-mail:
Hi Kjirsti,
I hope all is going well and that you are having a great spring break! I enjoyed reading your flowers revision a lot, and I thought you might like this little poem that Mrs. Podis is currently using as her email signature file.
First a howling blizzard woke us,
Then the rain came down to soak us,
And now before the eye can focus — Crocus.
– Lilja Rogers, 1964
Take care, Mr. Podis
This is certainly the appeal of the small liberal college. There are no TA’s and the professor grades your paper, meets with you to discuss it individually, and on occasion even writes and e-mail sharing his wife’s favorite poems!
Here’s a link to the paper if you want some light spring reading! Flower essay
One response to “Another great professor”
That was a beautiful essay. You are such a passionate writer. Just so you know, we have some flower beds in dyer need of your care next time you guys come to visit. It has been exciting to see how many flowers have popped up in our yard this spring. We are so grateful to the previous owner for planting lots of bulbs. We also just expanded our front flower bed to make room for more. It has been fun deciding what else to plant. If you have any ideas let us know.