The sweet things in life
My boys are really sweet. I often get overwhelmed by their aggressive behavior, insensitive interactions, and disrespect; but I find that when I dwell on the sweet things they do- those tender moments multiply. So, a list: -Scotland is still leaving “stockings” for Tom by his bedside. Yesterday, his sock hung from his bedstand drawer…
Keeping it real
In a world of photo editing, Pinterest, and selective sharing, I always appreciate a good “real life” share. I came across these photos from Christmas and they made me smile. This is what our nativity reenactment looked like: Both boys were most excited about being angels. This is a carry over from last year when…
Brotherly love
Last week, we set up the toddler bed in Scotland’s room, thinking we’d give the shared room a try. It resulted in many late nights (full of fun for the boys) followed by days of emotional duress and conflict when their fatigue hit them. It didn’t take long to realize that, when other options were…
Happy Halloween!
Pumpkin carving: We started the holiday festivities off at FHE on Tuesday when we carved pumpkins, halloween music playing. Scotland carved a scary face, Tom a Tiger, and I a bat. Anders painted a pumpkin. Tom had him help him clean out his pumpkin. At first Anders refused but finally got in on the fun.…
A few thoughts on fatherhood
I read a couple of articles in the NYTimes this afternoon. They both spoke of the role of fathers. This one spoke of how, even within the same household, brothers fare worse than sisters when disadvantaged. Researchers have been trying to define what is causing the gender gap, and how we can help boys. One…
Introducing the fifth member of our family!
A few weeks ago we got to see our third child. I wish I could verbalize how thrilling it is to see your baby for the first time. While my boys looked up and said “Oh” at the ambiguous smears of white and black moving across the screen, I saw my little peanut, curled up,…
It's fall, we went on vacation
Summer has been over for a good month, but it’s really felt like it the last week or so. There’s been a culinary shift. We eat pretty seasonally, since the bulk of our diet is vegetable based. Butternut squash has replaced green beans, applesauce- fresh berries. Today I made a batch of Myrtle’s applesauce. Grandma…
Equality in parenting
My sister-in-law sent this article around our family a few days ago. I have many thoughts about it, but haven’t had a chance to share them. I’ll do so here. This article may be true for many couples. But I’m not sure it can be accurately said of mine. I think my husband’s job very…
Anders: 18 months
First “official” day in nursery. (He’s been attending for a month. Shhh. Don’t tell!) My baby turned a year and a half this week. And boy is he a proud to be a “big boy.” He struts around after his brother, everyone like he’s one of them. He’s talking up a storm and mimics constantly.…
Anders 16 month milestones
This post is long overdue, and many of these “milestones” have been in place for months. But in hopes of never forgetting the many darling things he does: Penguin hugs- When Anders gives hugs he puts his arms down flat against his side, or against his chest and presses his body and head into you.…