Writing quote
I loved this quote from The Hemingway Book Club of Kosovo. It goes nicely with my post on writing: “I write because by writing I experience it all again, and begin to try to make sense of it all.”– Paula Huntley
Working towards OUR PhD
Tom has four more weeks before he defends his PhD. About two weeks ago we had a “talk” about how that required him to sacrifice everything to write his dissertation in time. It all boiled down to the fact that he could schedule an hour and a half around dinner time to spend with Scotland…
Things I'm learning about motherhood:
Just as soon as I say “I think Scotland’s getting into a schedule!!!”. . . it changes.
As perfect as it gets
Today was one of those idealic days. Scotland and I enjoyed an early morning nap in my bed. We got up went for a run, and I got to see one of my favorite gardens. I made a new whole wheat bread recipe and it turned out fabulous. It might be “the one.” Scotland went…
The advantages of marrying a nerd
Tom sets me up. A couple mornings ago Tom came in and said “look at my phone!” browsing the apps on his screen I saw a new one- wordpress. Sure enough, now I can blog on my phone with one hand while I feed Scotland with the other. Plus I can post pictures and video…
It’s nearly midnight. Scotland will be up needing to eat in two and a half hours. Church will come early tomorrow. But I can’t help it, I need to write. About a month ago, while reading “The Happiness Project” I had this light bulb moment. She suggested that one figure out their true passion by…
My mind is full of words
My mind is full of wordsthey float around connecting.They want out. My mind is always writingsentences, phrases, titles ideas stamped waiting to be fleshed out. My mind loves silencewhen it can race creating. I am a writer, if only in my mind.
Oh my! What have I done! Hee, hee, hee! Apparently Scotland already has a sense for the dramatic.
Three Months
Scotland was three months old on Tuesday. The early days when I noted every minute are over, and now the time is passing far too quickly. The most notable change in Scotland is his ability to interact with the world around him. He loves his toys. He can now grab them, and is often found…