Anders has become so alert and playful in the last few weeks. His big wide-mouth smiles and twinkly eyes always melt me, and help assuage my grumpiness after a night with little sleep. He is interacting with the toys that hang from his bouncy seat now- trying to grab them, and smiling and squealing at them. After two particularly bad nights, the boys and I were having a lazy morning in bed. Anders and I laid on the bed while Scotland jumped and wiggled about coming up with games for us to play. We made forts under the blankets, he played like he was a dragon, and chatted about our day’s plans. For perhaps the first time, it felt Anders was there participating. His eyes would light up when we’d pull the sheet up over our heads, and he’d smile when Scotland would do silly things. He was enchanted with our inclusion of him, and it made me realize I need to make him a part more often.
Here are things we want to remember about him:
He’s very vocal. When he wants something, he’ll let you know, and loudly. He’ll wake up from deep slumber and immediately wail to be fed. His cries can be piercing.
That being said he is also developing many more “communicative” and socially appropriate responses. Little whimpers and gentle complaints. He’s cooing more. He continues to grumble as he falls asleep.
He hates being woken up. And when he’s ready to sleep- he’ll cry until you make that happen.
He likes to be rocked to sleep- or at least held. He wants to be wrapped tightly, a passy in his mouth, and then he’ll nuzzle his face into your arm until both eyes are hidden. (Maybe I should invest in an eye-mask?)
He loves being in the Ergo carrier, and thus far hasn’t been a huge fan of the BOB. (We went to the zoo and I thought, no prob, I’ll just bring the BOB and we’ll be good. Neither boy rode in the stroller. Figures!)
He loves being outside. When nothing else seems to work to calm him, I’ll just take him outdoors. I’m secretly proud. (I guess, not so secretly.)
He has a dimple on the left side.
His eyes are still dark blue. Apparently, he gets until six months to decide, but I’m voting blue. That way I have one brown and one blue-eyed boy! It just seems right.
He loves his Momma. He’ll be outright wailing and I’ll pick him up and he nuzzle his nose into my neck and immediately calm.
He prefers focused nursing. He’ll often complain if I talk too loudly or if Scotland gets too touchy. Sometimes I’ll coo at him and smile and he’ll turn his eyes away, a little smirk on his lips, as if to say: “Not now.”
He has the sweetest eyes when he smiles; and his mouth opens so wide he has to tilt back his head to accommodate it.
Sometimes at night, I’ll hold him long after he’s fallen back asleep, because I love having time with just him. His little chest against mine, I’ll feel the love radiating from me. A few nights ago, Tom had Scotland somewhere late and so it was just Anders and I at home. I sat him on my knees and we “chatted,” I laid on my back as he bobbed his head up and down during tummy time, I held him tight and soaked him in. Oh, how I love my baby.