I ran today. Only down the street and back, but I ran, and it felt great!
Tom has been on call for the last week and he hasn’t got called in once! That means we’ve had “daddy” home all week- unexpectedly. It’s been amazing. I’m going to chalk that one up to grace.
I bought two shares from bountiful baskets last week. We’ve been enjoying fruit salads and a variety of different vegetables at every meal. I love produce! I’m so excited that my favorite fruit and veggie stand opens up in a few weeks.
Our garden plot is de-sodded half way. Our blueberry patch. . . still on its way. (English Ivy, how I loathe thee!)
It’s been sunny and warm most of the week. I’ve been staying true to my rule from Cleveland: If the sun is out, drop everything and get outside! I’m a sunflower- that’s all there is to it!
We held FHE at the beach.
Tom caulked and primed the shed. Painting’s up next. Hopefully it will be dry now. Fingers crossed!
I’m having a serious run-in with the purging inclinations of spring. Why do I have so many clothes? Why do we keep all these books? Scotland doesn’t need so many toys. . . I never wear any of this jewelry. . . I think I’ll give all these hair accessories to my sisters. . .
Nursing is a beautiful thing, even if it does chop my life into two hour segments. Scotland is the dearest of boys and seeing him as a brother warms my heart beyond measure.
This morning as we ate fried eggs over parmesan crusted asparagus for breakfast, some french cafe music drifting from our speakers and a fire crackling in our pellet stove, Tom said: “We have such a beautiful life.” He’s right. Our hearts are full of thanks.