This picture cracks me up.
Our baby is one month. Typically, one would say something like “I can’t believe my baby is already one month old.” That’s not the case here. I can’t believe Anders was born only a month ago. Being pregnant and giving birth both seem like distant memories. Except for the slight haze that is a result of nightly feedings, I’m feeling great! My stitches don’t bother me anymore, I ran a few strides the other day without pain, and most importantly nursing is going smoothly. (Nursing with Scotland was terribly painful for a long time, so being able to say that things are comfortable, even enjoyable, already at four weeks is a marked improvement over last time.) I did some “break dancing” with Scotland today, and have been able to throw him around for about a week now. It is so wonderful to be able to interact with him in my usual way. He no longer calls me “Kjirsti.” Our relationship has returned to the sweet close one that it was previous to Anders’s birth. Scotland chooses to interact with Anders more and more everyday. He loves giving him kisses, singing to him when he cries, and says things like “I love my baby” and “He’s so cute!” frequently.
Anders and his many faces:
I would say, so far, Anders is a pretty easy baby. He nurses well, sleeps well, and is generally easy to console.
This week he started to have a really smiley period in the morning. There’s no better way to help me forget a night of interrupted sleep than by gifting me with several open mouthed grins.
His cries are becoming more communicative and he’s starting to “talk” more.
His eyes have become more focused and will light up when they come in contact with mine.
He loves being in the Ergo baby.
He has an incredibly strong neck for his age, and has since he was born. When I put him up to my shoulder to burp he’ll push off my chest with his arms and swing his head back and forth, looking around, often coming in for a crash landing when he tires out. He can hold his head up for quite a while when we do tummy time, and has even rolled over several times, as a result of moving his head too far to one side.
He hates both wet and dry diapers- crying until they are changed. He’s an explosive pooper, the amount of noise far exceeding the production. Scotland’s not sure what to think of it. (Nor am I!)
He has a bit of an impatient/aggressive streak when he gets hungry. He’ll shake his head rapidly, his mouth and eyes wide open. I guess he has a tendency towards being “hangry” like his mom.
His eyes are a steely blue right now- but of course it’s too early to say their permanent color. His hair has mostly fallen out on top, but new growth is coming in nicely. At five weeks old, he’s outgrown all of his 0-3 month clothes.
I don’t get nearly the sweet bonding time with Anders that I had with Scotland. I savor the times at night when I can just cuddle him without also playing games or carrying on a conversation with my chatty three year old. I can’t help but wonder how birth order will effect this little guy.
We can’t get enough of our little chunk!
“Now, as I was saying. . .”