We had two Halloween parties this weekend, one for Tom’s work and another for our church. We all dressed up for both, but as is so often the case I only managed to get pictures of the cutest number, Scotland. (Tom will be dressing up for work on Halloween as well- as is the tradition at Seattle Children’s, so I’ll be sure to catch a picture of him then to post.) My costume however will have to go down unrecorded. (I was a mummy mommy. Something akin to this except with a bow tie instead of a bow.)
Scotland was entranced by all of the costumes. He hardly ate anything at either party because he was so intent on examining each and every costume. His favorite was an Elmo costume another boy his age wore. We lucked out that we had this costume from last year, but this year he just happens to be obsessed with dragons. He was very proud of it. I had him try it on the morning of the first party, and he “flew” all over the room, jumping and flapping in adorable dragon style. We just couldn’t get over his rotund shape and swishing tail.
He took the costume parade very seriously. Marching around with all the “older kids” quite proudly.
On a side note, today I told him he could have one piece of candy after lunch. “Candy isn’t very healthy for you, so you should only have one piece.” “Okay, one piece!” he chimed as he skipped down the stairs to choose one. He returned his face a glow as he held a package of starbursts (with 2 pieces) . He asked me to open them, I did and handed them back to him. When he discovered there were two inside, he said “One for you, and one for me!” My child is an angel.
2 responses to “Halloween Happenings”
So fun! Scotter makes a great dragon.