Brain dump

I’m not sure why I feel the need to express these random thoughts publicly. Something about the hope that someone is listening and understanding comforting.

I got my first speeding ticket yesterday. I cried.


I missed Claire ALOT while she was gone. I hadn’t realized how much I rely on the social outlet our runs provide. 


Several of my good friends are moving. I didn’t think it would phase me too much. While I admire these women very much, we don’t hang out that much. We’re Mom friends- making the most of the few moments we have to chat, but not finding many of those moments. As a result I’m not super close to any of them. That being said, I’ve found myself nearly in tears several times as I’ve thought about them leaving.

I visit taught Elyse for three years. I grew to love her and her family so much. I felt so comfortable in their home. I knew if I needed someone to watch Scotland I could ask her, and that he would be loved. I admired her way of mothering.

Marilyn was the first person in the ward to reach out to me outside of church. She has always been so welcoming and warm. We share a love of music, a smiliar upbringing, and passion for learning and creativity. I was so impressed when she brought her new baby to the opera. It was the only way for her to come, and so she was going to make it work. The babe cried out one time, at which she quietly stood and rocked the babe until it fell back asleep. I was so proud of her for defying convention.

Tom and I will ever miss game nights with the Buckners. I loved book clubs with Kellie, I admire her love of literature and how passionate she is about sharing it with her kids. I’ve loved watching her change over the years. She’s one of the women in the ward that I feel has really blossomed since I came to know her- truly coming into her own.

I will miss Sarah so much. Again it feels strange to feel this way as our interactions were few, but the few we had were precious to me. The time she brought me tulips after having Scotland. How easily we fell into deep thought provoking conversation. The day at the beach. How she called me on my birthday this year. Watching her serve with such strength and testimony has been so inspiring to me. I aspire to be much of what Sarah is. She is such a dedicated person. She seeks excellence in whatever she does.

I’m so grateful for these women and the friendship they have shown me. They haven’t even left yet and I already miss them.


I made butter for the first time last week. It was delicious!


I always thought the use of mulch was mostly for cosmetic reasons. After applying it for the first time this year, I’ve been shocked at it’s weed reducing capabilites. I keep finding myself going outside to “work in the garden” only to realize there isn’t anything to do.” I kind of miss pulling weeds every few days. Instead I play ball and wrestle on the grass with Scotland. Okay maybe I don’t miss it too much!


Maybe it’s Scotlands increasing desire for independance, but all I want to do is play with him all day. I just can’t get enough of him. (Okay that’s not entirely true either. I enjoy a quiet evening after he’s gone to bed.)


Scotland tried to say Robot today it came out “Robo” (He has a robot on his sippy cup.) Yesterday, Mary and Lydia were over and Scotland was showing off tricks, I didn’t even know he could do: pointing to his hair, and ears. He says hi to everyone now. The other day we were outside when the street cleaner came by, he pointed at the big machine and I encouraged him to say hi. He made eye contact with the big guy operating the device and waved hi and said “hahee” in his high pitch voice. The man, seeing him, honked and waved back, and then did a circle in the intersection by our house so Scotland could watch him longer. The next day, garbage day, Scotland said hi to all the big trucks. I was amazed at how many saw him and waved back- always with big grins. These are the delights of living in the suburbs!

Scotland loves to act like he’s talking on the phone. He’ll babble on and on, always leaving pauses to “listen.” He does it with my phone, the baby moniter, and the remote control.

While he isn’t running his walking is getting faster and faster. I love when I call him, and he speeds up to come to me. 

He knows the library now, and loves to walk to the kids area, sit up, and color.

He loves his Dad. He always gets a huge grin on his face when he first sees him after work. 

We watched my friend’s cat for a week. Scotland loved Jack. He always laughed when the cats tail brushed his nose, or his toes while he was in his high chair. He thought it was hilarious to try to sit on the cat- luckily he was never successful. He was determined to pick Jack up, too, but Jack was always too fast. He would say “haah-eee, titty tat!” 

For the past week, once a day He’ll find this particular picture of Tom and him we keep in the office, and say “Dah!” 


Surgery is as terrible as we were told it would be. Thank goodness it’s nearly over. Unfortunately, residency won’t be much different. I try not to think about it.


Any good recipes for Swiss Chard? (We have a bunch in the garden. Oh if I had a vitamix!)


Today, I splurged on Costco cherries. I’m so glad I did. They brought back so many memories of our cherry trees in Moses Lake. Ah, the luxury of having three huge cherry trees to enjoy. 


I’m doing a lot of dancing in “This is Kirtland.” I’m very sore. 


For the first time I think we will eat all the lettuce from our garden. In years past, I would enjoy watching it grow but never harvest it, this year I harvest a bundle every day or so. I’ve loved it. Our strawberries have been disappointed. They’re small, but worse, not tasty. Sigh. 


This is far too long, and I feel like I’ve only started to chip away. I really want to dig into “French Kids Eat Everything” and “Fat.” Maybe this weekend. 

4 responses to “Brain dump”

  1. Kjirst,
    I’m always here, and trying my best to listen well. I regret at times how poorly I do at this, but I want you to know, that your thoughts, feelings, and experiences are so important to me. Sometimes, I’m only able to listen like this through your blog, sometimes disjointedly through the phone, a couple of times a year actually in person. But I feel such a kinship with you, and such a connection and passion for your well being and happiness. Hang in there. I love you

  2. Your first speeding ticket?! You must not even be trying. I make a point to get one a least every other year–so that I can keep up to date on my defensive driving courses. It’s how I fiancially support our local police department.

  3. Thank you so much for this sweet note…I have plenty of things I want to say thanks for before we go…coming in a note!

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