Happy half birthday, son!

Today is Scotland’s six month birthday. I can’t believe it’s been a whole half of a year, and yet I also can’t believe it’s only been half a year- time is such a warped thing. I hadn’t realized that the six month mark meant entrance into Parenting 202. Or at least that’s what Scotland signed up for. These past three or four days he started to be much more whiny, demanding, and needy. He’s experimenting with a new sound effect- I call it his screech owl imitation. It’s not attractive, or pleasant. He’s been getting up two to three times each night, and isn’t going down for naps as easily. Maybe it’s just separation anxiety settling in. Maybe it’s daddy withdrawal. I’m sort of hoping it’s a quickly passing stage, but I fear we might be on to something new.

Scotland’s newest face- usually accompanied with his Screech Owl imitation

But all is not lost! As long as he’s fed, rested, and I’m playing with him, he’s an absolute dear. He charmed all the couple Sister missionaries at the musical fireside I sang at last night. One of them had him belly laughing! Another held him, despite their rule not to. She had crawled down on the floor next to him in his car seat, and I could just tell it was just killing her not to pick him up. So when I asked if she might hold him while I rehearse, she agreed, happily taking him before she admitted, looking over her shoulder “We’re really not supposed to, but I’m sure it will be okay if you’re standing right there.” He’s getting more and more mobile, and has started crawling up things and over things.

Here’s an example of his acrobatic abilities.

Trying to pull himself up on his big basket of books.

Other new things:

  • giving kisses
  • blowing on my arm to make explosive sounds- like I make on his belly
  • twisting away any time I try to change his diaper
  • loving the grass
  • more interest in books
  • loving food- He was crazy for my marinara sauce tonight
  • singing with Mom (He was quiet in church until the special musical number, at which point he started shouting out/singing. He didn’t stop for the rest of the meeting.)
  • playing the piano
  • following me from room to room
  • total mommy’s boy
  • fascination with shoes
  • loves babies- real and photographed
  • says mama, dada, baba, lala,
  • continues to LOVE being outdoors. (We’ve made a habit of going out and playing in the grass everyday, in addition to our runs/walks in the stroller.)
  •  quietly looking out the window from his crib when he wakes up.
  • his dynamic range is increasing. He’s got some pipes!
  • hair fetish- when he eats he’s either holding with my hair, or his
  • sitting up- he’s not 100%, but getting there.
  • cooing. usually when we’re cuddling, early in the morning, or late at night.
  • prefers to be down crawling around. (Sometimes even right when I get him up in the morning he won’t sit on my lap and cuddle, or eat. He just pushes and pushes until I put him down to play)
  • Gets on all fours
  • Occasionally does “downward facing dog”- only hands and feet on ground
  • He crawls by pushing with his left toes and pulling with his right arm.

I adore everything about this picture. He looks so mature, chilling there on his side. His gaze looks so thoughtful. And I couldn’t be more proud of his handful of grass!


One response to “Happy half birthday, son!”

  1. Julie was finally on a good, regular sleep schedule, and then, almost overnight (literally), once she hit 6 months, it changed nearly 180 degrees. We asked the pediatrician about it, and he said that at that age, babies are finally starting to have regular sleep cycles, and the nighttime wake-ups are pretty common when they transition from one level to another. Adults do it too, but we know how to put ourselves back to sleep without ever fully waking up to being with. Babies don’t yet know how to get back to sleep on their own.

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