
On Sunday Scotland started mimicing. He now says ma, ba, bo, da, and la. His favorite time to chat is when we all sit town to dinner together. He is quite the food critic and usually has a lot to say about his pureed vegetables.

His world is expanding. He’s starting to notice things that are higher up- pushing himself way up on his hands so he can see over or grab things. He has also discovered that there is a whole world to see beyond windows. He’ll sit in his car seat looking out the window and does the same thing in his high chair.

He can sit independently for quite a while. He still needs a bit of support however because when he goes to reach for things too far to the side he’ll topple over.

His army crawl is getting better and faster. He now uses both hands to pull, while pushing off with his toes. He scared one of my students  when he was suddenly there playing with her toes.

He’s been sleeping through the night for three or four nights running. He goes down at 8:00-8:30 and usually gets up between 6-7:30. Amazing!

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