Being a Mom on Monday

Monday I went to the zoo. It was one of those surreal experiences. There I was pushing a stroller filled with my own flesh and blood amongst a caravan of other moms. Wait what?! I seriously just spent the bulk of Monday morning hanging out at the zoo?! And that was a legitimate, rightful use of my time? The switch into Momhood is a curious one. It reminded me of one morning on our honeymoon. I was sitting on the balcony of a cute Victorian bed and breakfast in gorgeous British Columbia. Before me was a table set for tea and a delicate breakfast. A waitress came and asked what I would like to drink. I looked up at her feeling oh so refined and told her my preference and then.. .  “Oh, and my husband will have tea too!” (The herbal kind of course.) The words felt so foreign in my mouth. I felt like a girl amongst my dolls. Was I playing make believe? “My husband. . ?” Nope, I was married, and now a wife.

Monday, I walked about the zoo with this gathering of other Mom friends. I felt about as foreign as the animals I was viewing. I’ve visited lots of zoos, often with children, but never with my own. I was always the adoring aunt, or the involved older sister. Then I felt confident leading them about, telling them about the animals, etc. This time I felt a little confused. How does one participate in a Mom group? I was the only one with a child too young to appreciate the animals, (Does that make my visit was less legit?) So, I didn’t have my child’s preferences to consider. My child didn’t need to stop for snacks. Watching these other women negotiate their morning was admirable. They had seemingly thought of everything- a diversity of snacks, water, a stroller accommodating their various aged kids. They knew the zoo like the back of their hand- they come often they said, like every week often. I walked along amongst them, a smirk spread across my insides, feeling like I was playing the part in the game “Which of these is not like the others.” And yet, I am a Mom. Visions of myself in a couple of years played across my mind: then it will be me who will pack the snacks, me who will struggle to keep Scotland by my side, me who will need to know how to keep kids of varied ages entertained. Thank goodness the progression into mom-hood is gradual!


2 responses to “Being a Mom on Monday”

  1. I love this post. It captures feelings I have certainly had. I still feel like I’m pretending. Taking my daughter to the Jr. High registration was one of those times. Sometimes Craig and I look around at our little brood and shake our heads in disbelief. Fake it till you make it, right!?

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