Category: Family

  • Merry Christmas!

  • The Heart of the Home- making the Christmas magic

    “The heart of her, that beat against my own The love of her, out-breathed in every tone The eyes of her, that saw my smallest grief The feet of her, that flew to my relief The hands of her, that mind and body fed The voice of her, that soothed and comforted The ears of…

  • I love where I live!

    In an effort to get the wiggles (or lately, crankies) out, we’ve been exploring a bunch of indoor play options, and I’ve got to say it has really increased my appreciation for our location. The Shoreline recreational center is five minutes from our house. We had the entire shallow end of the pool to ourselves…

  • A collection of unconnected thoughts

    After months of debate and diliberation (with myself) I finally decided to take advantage of the Black Friday/Cyper Week sales and buy an upright freezer. I hate spending money, especially lots of it on one thing and went back and forth with whether this was a wise choice. But in the spirit of provident living,…

  • Thanksgiving Report

    We had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. We celebrated Saturday so Tom could join us, but my folks and sisters came up Thursday night so we’d have a day for fun. Friday we headed downtown for all the Christmas festivities. We unfortunately missed the parade, but we did get to enjoy the huge Macy’s tree, and…

  • Those times are gone. . .

    This morning I was jokingly wrapping Scotland up as a baby and rocking him. He rarely enjoys this silly display of affection, but this morning he went along with it. As I held him and started to sing his lullaby “Baby Mine” my eyes welled with tears and I couldn’t continue after the second line. I…

  • leaves, soccer, apples and costumes- it must be fall!

    Scotland’s hair has gotten what I like to call floppy and I just love it. It really needs a trim, but maybe I’ll just let it go for a few more weeks because I love this look on him. I’ve always thought Scotland was darling (That’s sort of my job!) But there have been several…

  • Halloween Happenings

    We had two Halloween parties this weekend, one for Tom’s work and another for our church. We all dressed up for both, but as is so often the case I only managed to get pictures of the cutest number, Scotland. (Tom will be dressing up for work on Halloween as well- as is the tradition…

  • A day downtown

    We’ve been downtown several times since moving to Seattle, but we’ve always gone with Tom. Yesterday was the first time I ventured down by myself. It turned out to be no big deal, I got on and off the right buses without issue. Scotland being the champ that he generally is, was no problem, and…

  • Making the most of it

    Tom is required to get four days off a month- that is not in addition to weekends. And he’s just been meeting his requirement the last few months. Scotter wakes up nearly every morning, asking for his Dad only to cry when I tell him, that I’m sorry, he’s at work. You can’t imagine a…