Homeschooling: A year in review
First grade here I come! on to pre-school! Working on breaking those teeth- hence the juicy chin! Scotland’s Magic School Bus Class showing off the insects they made. Scotland’s Magic school bus teacher, Erin Zackey, dresses up like Ms. Frizz- wearing clothing that coordinates with what they’re studying that week! She’s amazing! Scotland’s Storybook Stem teacher,…
I turn 31 today. I didn’t get a chance to wax sentimental last year when I entered my third decade, (something about having a baby or something) so I’ll do so now. The decade of my twenties was pretty magical. I spent the first half pursuing my dreams of advanced degrees, travel, and marriage. I spent the…
RS Unity Talk
The key note address for our RS night of unity and sisterhood. I have a very expansive view of the power of Relief society. I believe that when Relief Society groups function as God intended them to, it has power to advance, progress and uplift not only its members, but their families, their ward and…
Tom and I have been talking about moving a lot these last few months. With applications and interviews for fellowship positions occurring, we’ve been forced to face the future. We love so many things about living in Seattle, but different training opportunities for Tom and a lower cost of living are forcing us to look else where.…
A full heart
The previous post was written over a month ago. I just published it. That’s how things seem to work around here. I rarely get to finish what I’m working on, and not because I’m absent minded but rather because more important things step in. Writing this, I realize, I’m really proud of how well I step…
Guard my heart
I’m a pleaser. It’s impossible to please everyone when you’re a mother. This stresses me. A week ago I had a bit of a melt down. It was all too much, I was failing right and left, I needed a break. . . I cried and cried- gave myself a headache, stressed Tom out, and…
Quote of the day:
“This is my own baby. My baby’s three months.” -Anders to me as he comes up the stairs carrying his baby doll. (He later asked Scotter to help him carry his baby like mommy (in the ERGO) so Scotland stuffed it down his shirt.
Making a bed
I recently became aware of the fact that I’ve never paid much attention to how beds are made. I’ve always made mine the way my Grandmother taught me- fold the sheet down, pull the quilt up over the pillows, do a quick karate chop under the pillows to make a line, smooth things out. Call…
Quote of the day
Anders: “I love my Big Daddy so much!”
Things I love. . .
The way Anders says “key-oot!” (cute) anytime he seems something small. Anders trying to say “Interesting” when we went on our science walk today. The way Ari holds her foot while she’s sleeping in the Ergo. How Scotland’s eyes glitter when he showed me his LEGO glider this afternoon. A direct quote from Anders tonight…