Category: Life

  • 40 days = a long time

    In the New and Old Testaments the phrase “for 40 days and 40 nights” was used to mean a long time. As Tom and I were talking about New Years resolutions this afternoon we talked about how we should probably set some resolutions for the next 40 days (around which point our son will be…

  • Ta da!

    It’s been nearly a year and a half since we tore into this baby: It slowly turned into this: and stayed something like this for about a year. Until we found out we were expecting and suddenly the procrastination had to stop. Now fly forward through countless hours of demolition, cleaning, applying green board, plumping,…

  • Ta da!

    Okay, okay, I know that this post belongs on “Our Playhouse” but it’s far too exciting of news to not post here as well! It’s been nearly a year and a half since we tore into this baby: It slowly turned into this: and stayed something like this for about a year. Until we found…

  • Christmas 2010

    I’m never really sure whether I should blog about family vacations. The people I mainly blog for were there, and the rest of you probably aren’t too interested in the ins and outs of my family’s vacation style. However, for the sake of my own journal I’ll include an entry. This year seemed a particularly…

  • My sister was telling me how enriching a child can make your life. She mentioned how you and your spouse can just sit there and watch your baby for hours and be completely enthralled. I have no doubt this will be the case for Tom and I. We talk to our little son daily, always…

  • Dear Neighbors

  • Oooohm!

  • I seem to have lost sight of my toes

  • ???

  • Yowch!