Bath Time
I don’t know what it is about a bath that enhances a baby’s cuteness. Maybe it’s how the water darkens the eye lashes or freshens the skin. All I know is that my little boy is the cutest little thing after a bath. Look at that little button nose!
Wide eyed bushy tailed
I realized I hadn’t posted any pictures of Scotland with his eyes open. He loves to look around and has curious intense eyes. The nurse commented on how alert he was right from birth. We enjoy the times when he’ll sit and play, happily observing his surroundings. Too often at night I get these wide…
The first three or four days of motherhood were complete euphoria. Despite two nights running without sleep I found myself energized and elated. There was nothing I wanted to do more than to hold and nurse my baby. Then the pains of breastfeeding set in and placed a damper on the whole experience. Why doesn’t…
About a week before Scotland was born I was hanging out with my three year old friend Audrey. She was showing me her scrapbook of baby photos. She had tons of dark hair when she was born. It was the first time I had thought about how much hair my baby would have, I had…
Can one get pregnant while pregnant?
If my baby is here in my arms, then what is in this pooch of a stomach?!
Natural child birth
I chose an un-medicated birth plan. It was a powerful experience. I’m not really sure how to express or even tell about it. Sure, I could give you the details about when I lost my mucus plug at what time I hit 6,8, and 10 cm dilation, when my water broke. What positions and mental…
Day 4
I cannot express the joy this little guy has brought me. Despite three nights running of very little sleep, plenty of pain and limited movement I feel more alive and energized than I have in a long time. Who couldn’t when you have this little gent to keep you company.
Scotland J Foutz
We’re still at the hospital, so you’ll have to wait for the full report but here’s a few pictures of our handsome little son and proud Mom and Dad. The new Foutz family Scotland, ready for a nap He inherited his mother’s toes Some cute faces His stats: 8 lb 14 oz. 21.5 Inches. Heavyweight…
I was curious. . .
. . . what our little pregnancy tracker was going to say today if Scotland didn’t come. Apparently the creator didn’t realize women don’t always make their due date. Hopefully they’re still right though, ONe MORE day to go. In the mean time, no news is just no news. Sorry folks, nothing to report on…