Category: Scotland

  • Re-entering life

    It'a 4AM, and I really should be sleeping, but after a particularly refreshing 4 1/2 hour stretch of sleep the creative portion of my brain has been reignited and I feel an overwhelming desire, even need, to write. I've laid unsuccessfully trying to turn off the flood of words, but as blog post after blog…

  • Anders: 11 day old pictures

    I’ve been itching to write on the blog. Somehow with my newly acquired job of nursing eight hours a day I’m struggling to find the time. It’s hard to believe it has been nearly a week since I took these pictures. The thing I love, and hate, about newborns is that they change so much…

  • Saint Edwards State Park

    On MLK day we took advantage of the free entrance to state parks and headed to St. Edwards State Park near Kenmore. I was hoping a vigorous hike would jumpstart labor, and we wanted to take advantage of Tom’s day off to enjoy the outdoors. It’s a gorgeous park that sits on Lake Washington. Despite…

  • Scotland 35 months

    Here are things I hope to always remember about Scotland at this age: “Have I had my vitamin yet today? Have I had my pickle?” (As you can tell we have a one pickle a day rule.) He played happily with play-dough while I got ready this morning. When I came up, after I had…

  • Challenging my "smile more" resolve

    I keep waking up around 2AM, just to realize that the reason for my awakening is not painful contractions. This is typically followed by a wave of grumpiness. In attempts to stay positive, here's my list of perks for prolonged pregnancy: –Quality Time with Scotland: Having left my schedule open, because I feel less than…

  • Christmas 2013

    Tom had five days off this Christmas. The four days leading up to Christmas and Christmas day. Because we wanted to savor every minute of that time, we decide against traveling anywhere. Instead we enjoyed a cozy quiet Christmas at home. Because Scotter’s too young to know otherwise, and because we thought it would be…

  • The Heart of the Home- making the Christmas magic

    “The heart of her, that beat against my own The love of her, out-breathed in every tone The eyes of her, that saw my smallest grief The feet of her, that flew to my relief The hands of her, that mind and body fed The voice of her, that soothed and comforted The ears of…

  • Thanksgiving Report

    We had a wonderful thanksgiving weekend. We celebrated Saturday so Tom could join us, but my folks and sisters came up Thursday night so we’d have a day for fun. Friday we headed downtown for all the Christmas festivities. We unfortunately missed the parade, but we did get to enjoy the huge Macy’s tree, and…

  • Those times are gone. . .

    This morning I was jokingly wrapping Scotland up as a baby and rocking him. He rarely enjoys this silly display of affection, but this morning he went along with it. As I held him and started to sing his lullaby “Baby Mine” my eyes welled with tears and I couldn’t continue after the second line. I…

  • leaves, soccer, apples and costumes- it must be fall!

    Scotland’s hair has gotten what I like to call floppy and I just love it. It really needs a trim, but maybe I’ll just let it go for a few more weeks because I love this look on him. I’ve always thought Scotland was darling (That’s sort of my job!) But there have been several…