Pre-Thanksgiving Fun
Last week was full of friends and family, just like any Thanksgiving holiday should be. It started off with a Pre-Thanksgiving luncheon with some dear friends: Mable Williams, Myrtle Alexander, Mary Pickett, Emily Wagner and her friend Nina. It was lovely to take the opportunity to get together as friends and enjoy a good meal.…
With all the fancy features my car has, I can’t believe it doesn’t have a rear windshield wiper. Gripes!
I’m usually too verbose for the likes of Twitter but sometimes I feel the desire to just jot down one line thoughts, tweets you might say. From here on out I’m going to feel more free to just post one line.
Sleeping through the night (HURRAY!!!!) opening/closing doors motioning “come” with hand vocalizing to get people’s attention making silly faces to get a laugh pushing cars/trains
Stream of Conscience
I think it’s easy to focus so much on extra-curricular activities that children come to see their greatest strengths as dance, music, sport, leaving them with the debacle later in life of what to pursue. There’s always the standard options: go to med school, become a lawyer, become a teacher, but what about those less…
Poppa Foutz visits Cleveland
Scotter spent Saturday morning with Poppa. He was half way through his feeding and just up from his nap in this picture, so pardon the “just hurry up and take the picture so I can eat” look. Wednesday night Papa Foutz came into town on his way home from blessing our new little neice Amelia…
Blog difficulties
Sorry that the blog has been down the last couple of days. Our tech man, Tom, was in Washington DC for the weekend.
Scotland's first (assisted) steps
I love watching Scotland learn how to move about. Today, while Kjirsti and I were working on some projects, we noticed that Scotter had started walking with his new toy! It is inspiring to watch him overcome his fears, to do hard things, and to trust.
Lessons from the Temple
Yesterday, Tom and I attended the Temple. The week leading up I had been feeling rather disgruntled with myself. My weaknesses were so blaring I couldn’t see my strengths. I carried these feelings of inadequacy to the temple, and at first they were only added to as once again I fought unsuccessfully to stay awake.…