Pam and Adi!

Last weekend Pam and Adi came out to visit. It was Scotland’s first time meeting Adi- and he absolutely adored her! We had a wonderful time together, visiting Amish country and eating lots of cheese, playing Dominion, cooking and eating, shopping, and watching Part 1 and Part II of Harry Potter. I’m fortunate to have such terrific in-laws. They are so kind, supportive, and enjoyable to be around.

Adi is an expert on Harry Potter. Seriously. She gave us a refresher course on what had happened up to Part I and then we watched that Friday night so we would be ready for Part II Saturday night. It made the last video so enjoyable because I saw connections that I would have otherwise missed. I felt like a kid again watching the movie. You could just sense the energy and love in the audience. A few people yelled out during exciting parts in the show. I couldn’t help being a bit vocal myself.

Saturday we went down to Amish country. We drove a new way and it was gorgeous. We visited Heini’s cheese factory and a nearby bakery- sampling all sorts of goodness, and then walked through an antique shop. There is something so refreshing about seeing so much open land, I love it!

Monday Tom had to work. Scotland was a tropper as we girls went from shop to shop. He was particularly happy once he got onto his new “wheels.” An umbrella stroller that Pam bought for him. He loves it and I LOVE it. (My last one had a broken wheel so you basically just shoved it along.) It was one of those times when you think, why have I been putting up with that for so long? I was amazed at how much easier a stroller is to navigate when all the wheels work! It’s light, sturdy, and very portable- we’ve used it everyday since.

Their departure on Tuesday left Scotland and I in a slump the rest of the day. It signaled the end of family for the summer. Oh, how we’ll miss them.


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